A 16x16 RGB LED Matrix controlled by DMX over wifi
Some facts:
- 256 RGB LEDs
- 768 DMX Channels
- Teensy 3.6 as Main Controller
- ESP8266 as ArtNet Node
- 3 TLC5940s for controlling brightness
- 2 74CH595 Shift Registers for multiplexing
So, this is the second LED Matrix we are building. The first one was a bit smaller (10x10) and used shift registers only for controlling the LEDs. We weren’t that happy about the limitation we got using shift registers only. We ran into refresh rate problems while trying to increase possible grayscale values. We ended up with 8bit grayscale (0-255).
The plan
So the basic data flow should look like this
How multiplexing works
This are some images explaining how multiplexing with a LED Matrix works
The images are from this instrucable. There you can also find more information on multiplexing:
The building process
So after some weekends of soldering 4 wires to every single SMD LED we finally made it.
Lets start soldering them on the frame…
After dozen weekends spend soldering we made it
First testing
As you can see. It works! :) But there are some LEDs that need to be fixed
Using ArtNet Node running on an ESP8266. See this awesome project.